Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Allie Jane

As you can see, I changed the name and URL for our blog! I was getting a little bored of just "The Butler's." "The 'B' House" sounds more creative and fun ;). 

I guess since she is almost 4 months now, I should introduce our littlest Butler!
Courtney Jacobs Photography

This is Miss Allie Jane Butler! Born September 17th, 2014 at 11:31 pm. Weighing in at 7lbs 2oz and 18.5 inches long! Allie was born via an all natural water birth! It was such an amazing experience! Painful, yes, but so calm and peaceful! She didn't enter the world screaming, but just staring around like, "Alright, I'm here, lets do this!" and her personality has been calm and happy ever since! 

The name, Allie Jane, comes from my great grandmother, Allie Jane (Greer) Gladden. My Grandpa Gladden's mother. I never had the privilege of ever meeting her, but I know she was/is an amazing woman! At Allie's blessing, my grandma Gladden gave her a gift of a quilt. It is a quilt that Allie Jane, herself, hand pieced and sewed together! My grandma has had the quilt top just laying around for years. She quilted it up and gave it to our Allie Jane! It is such a beautiful quilt! It is hanging on her crib until she is old enough to actually use! Right now, I use it for her monthly pictures.

Lisa McKnight Photography
Lisa McKnight Photography
Lisa McKnight Photography
Lisa McKnight Photography

Lisa McKnight Photography

Lisa McKnight Photography

As you can tell, we are so in love with our precious little girl!

We are so lucky blessed to have such a happy baby! She rarely ever cries unless she is hungry or tired! and even then, it's only a little whimper! She has slept through the night since about 5 weeks! Mamma is happy she enjoys her sleep! Allie loves baths and has since she was able to take "big girl" baths! She can be fussy, but once you put her in a warm bath, she gets a huge smile on her face! The past week, she has discovered that kicking the water makes splashes and that is fun! She squeals in excitement every time! 
This was her first ever "Real" bath

We got this little bath toy out and she LOVES it

She is starting to grab things! Her favorite is to grab at bright designs on your shirt! Or mommy's hair! Her hand-eye coordination is getting pretty good! She has recently been more interested in Winnie, our yellow lab. She likes to feel her fur and pull at her nose! Winnie is starting to re-think this whole baby thing ;). 
I think they are going to be best buds

Allie is able to roll over from tummy to back like a pro and will sometimes roll from back to tummy! Especially if she loses her pacifier and needs to roll over to get it back in her mouth! She can hold her head up pretty well when she is on her tummy, and will sometimes pull her legs up like she wants to crawl! Who knows, maybe she will start crawling at 4 months like her mamma! 

She hasn't quite learned how to giggle, but sometimes if we try really hard and when she is pretty sleepy drunk, we can get one or two out of her! Smiling is her favorite though! Every morning, she wakes up with a big one on her face! I like to sing, "Good morning to you" (in the tune of Happy Birthday) to her every morning and she thinks thats the best thing in the world! 

This is her "roller coaster" dream pose ;)

A few days ago she started trying to mimic what we say. if we hum and move our voice up and down, she tries to do the same! She also likes to "sing" along with music! It so fun watching her grow and learn! It amazes me how babies' brains develop! 

Every month I take a picture of her next to a sock monkey! That way we can see how much she is growing compared to the monkey! 

We also have her on a monthly picture plan with our photographer! I'm so glad I ended up doing it! I love them and our photographer is so talented! 

1 Month

2 months

3 months

This one is my favorite! I love that the photog. lets me get in the pics also!
Grant and I are so blessed to have been trusted to help raise one of Heavenly Father's children! We couldn't imagine our lives without our sweet Allie Jane! She adds so much more purpose and sunshine to our lives! 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

To Love, Cherish Encircle and Enclose

Say what? It's 2015 already! I can't even believe it! I know everyone says it, but seriously, 2014 FLEW! I know, I've slacked so much blogging, but life has been pretty busy the past almost 4 months with the new addition to our family! Little miss Allie Jane, that is! I will do a special little post all about our sweet little girl in a bit! But for now, here is a cute picture of her I took this morning.

As you all know, I choose a word every year to use as my theme or mantra. Last year's word was "cleave," and I feel it fit our year pretty well! Grant and I's marriage has flourished tremendously! It was a tough year with my parents moving and us becoming parents! But, we survived and we are getting the hang of it all! Grant is truly my best friend and I can rely on him in any circumstance! 

This year's word was pretty easy to choose. It has been something I've been needing to do for far too long! the word is "embrace." 
The word, "embrace," means to cherish, love, encircle, and enclose. This year I want to focus on embracing my family. My little Allie Jane is growing and changing so fast and I don't want to miss a moment of it. My husband is so precious to me. I want need to be his biggest fan in life. My Savior is the most important person in my life. He comes first in everything. These three people in my life are in need of my embracing. I often find myself spending so much time on my phone and social media! It has become such a distraction. My house gets neglected, my spiritual obligations get pushed to the side, and my full attention is not focused on my husband and daughter. 

This year I am taking a HUGE step back from social media. It has honestly become an addiction. Addicted to the need to post and be updated on all my friends! Don't worry, I'm not totally leaving. Just taking a big cut back. Today is the 4th and I haven't been on Facebook or Instagram since. It has been a real eye opener as to how much of a habit it is. Every 20 mins it seemed, I caught myself flipping through my phone! It's pretty embarrassing admitting it! I have been so productive these past few days. Chores done, dinner cooked, etc. I've also been able to spend real quality time with Allie. I never want to feel like I'm not going her my 100% ever again! We sing songs, read books, and practice tummy time together! We have so much fun! I've kept myself so busy, that once 9 o'clock comes around, I'm pooped and there is still no time for social media! Social media is such a bitter sweet thing! It's amazing to me how easy it is to be sucked into it! 

Wow, now that I have gone on a whole other tangent! haha 

I'm excited for this year's theme! I think I'm really going to benefit from it! As well as my husband and daughter. Allie is almost 4 months old and we are working on getting into a schedule. Being away from technology and social media has really helped. It's hard work trying to get a rhythm going. Grant and I were just talking about how our lives are changing (for the better) and how gone are the days of staying up until 2 am and going out at the drop of a hat. I turn into a pumpkin at 10pm it seems! Freak, we fell asleep at 9 on New Year's Eve! haha talk about old people status ;) 

2015 is going to be exciting! Allie is going to learn to sit up, crawl, walk, and talk! I Love seeing her learn and grow! Sometimes I swear I can see her brain churning!

I hope you all had a great holiday! And I pray 2015 brings lots of happy moments and blessing! Cheers and God bless!